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Jeremy Clarkson says he could vote Labour under Keir Starmer

Labour leader Keir Starmer. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/PA - Credit: PA

Despite backing the Tories most of his life, broadcaster Jeremy Clarkson has said he could vote for Labour under Keir Starmer if there is an election ‘tomorrow’.

The friend of former prime minister David Cameron branded Boris Johnson a ‘teddy bear’ and the cabinet ‘absolute wet ne’er-do-wells’ as he explained his view.

The former Top Gear host told Times Radio that if there is an election ‘tomorrow’ he could see himself backing Labour under Keir Starmer.

‘If there’s an election tomorrow, there’s an example.

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‘Keir Starmer – I appreciate there’s no love lost between newspapers and Keir and so on and he’s made a few mistakes and I don’t like his hair – it seems to be a single entity, it’s just one molecule, his hair, which is odd.

‘But I don’t like Boris’s hair either so let’s not judge them on their hair.’

He continued: ‘I don’t think the current crop are doing a particularly good job.

‘When Boris was ill and they just kept wheeling those absolute wet ne’er-do-wells into the press conference every day, and I thought ‘for heaven’s sake if this really is the best they can do without the talking teddy bear at the top’.

‘And now the talking teddy bear’s back and he’s just quoting really obscure Greek mythology now when he’s trying to talk about oxes (sic) treading on people’s tongues and I think, what are you doing?

‘I wouldn’t naturally vote Conservative it just happens to be that most times, when we’re asked to vote – obviously no-one in their right mind could vote for Corbyn, Blair certainly had his moments of seeming quite sensible and then went into war and that was idiotic, and banned hunting and even though I didn’t like hunting I thought that was idiotic.

‘So it just happens to be that every time it comes around and you weigh up which is going to provide you with a better life, the better country to live in, then it’s usually the Conservatives.’

Clarkson has previously declared himself ‘pro-European’ and warned that Brexit Britain would be far worse than what is going on in America under Donald Trump.

He said: ‘I’m not saying I’m a Trump fan, I’m just saying, it’s bad in America, but it’s a thousand times worse in Britain.’

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