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Jeremy Corbyn has already ‘given up so many things’ he won’t be participating in Lent

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in the House of Commons. Photograph: House of Commons/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Jeremy Corbyn won’t be cutting anything out for Lent because he has already given up ‘so many things’, his spokesman claimed.

The Labour leader, a teetotaler, rarely has the heating on in his office and there’s “not a lot of meat available”, according to his aides.

Asked what the outgoing leader would give up for Lent, Corbyn’s spokesman told journalists: “He’s given so many things up already that there’s very little left.

“If you work with Jeremy you will know that the heating is rarely turned on, there’s not a lot of meat available – so he’s a bit short of things to give up.

“Certainly the booze is a bit skimpy.”

Downing Street has been silent about whether the prime minister Boris Johnson intends to give anything up for the six-week period leading up to Easter.

He previously claimed he was giving up alcohol over the election campaign until Brexit was done – a promise he appeared to almost instantly break.

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