Readers have their say on Jeremy Corbyn’s appeal to opposition parties to allow him to become a caretaker prime minister.
A government of national unity to stop a no-deal Brexit will never happen if Jeremy Corbyn will not cede authority to the other parties, as well as his own Labour moderates. What’s needed as its leader is a highly-respected, statesman-like figure like Kenneth Clarke or Harriet Harman.
Mr Corbyn’s long history of being anti-EU makes his being ‘leader’ of something designed to provide Brexit alternatives, distasteful & inappropriate. If this new government is formed, it will face a general election, perhaps within weeks. With Corbyn at its helm, enough voters will be driven away – even those strongly opposed to Brexit – giving the hard-line Brexiteer Johnson/Farage cabal a very easy ride.
From the start of this nightmare, Mr Corbyn’s lack of opposition is largely responsible for where we are today and he should therefore not be in charge of a government of national unity.
Charles Wunderman
Is Corbyn genuinely trying to derail no-deal? Because the way he is going about it, he looks more like he is trying to derail the moves to stop-no-deal!
He says that, as leader of the opposition, he is entitled to become caretaker PM. But everyone else can see that he does not have a hope in hell of getting a majority to put him, even for a zillionth of a second, in number 10: A dozen or two on his own benches won’t, let alone the rest of Parliament.
If he cannot distinguish between putting country or himself first, why should he be trusted with the premiership at all?
Paul Smith
– What do you think? Send your letters for publication to letters@theneweuropean.co.uk and read all of our letters by picking up a copy of our newspaper every Thursday.