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Jeremy Corbyn says election results show ‘we must now get a Brexit deal done’

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA Wire - Credit: PA

Jeremy Corbyn has responded to the local election results by claiming there is now a ‘huge impetus’ to deliver Brexit.

The Labour leader told ITV News that parliament had to resolve the issue of Brexit and ‘get a deal done’.

He explained: ‘I think there’s a huge impetus on every MP – and they’ve all got that message, whether they themselves are Leave or Remain, or the people across the country – that an arrangement has to be made, a deal has to be done, parliament has to resolve this.

‘That is very clear.’

Corbyn also claimed in interviews that ‘the swings to Labour in many parts of the country show that we can win seats in a general election’, despite the party losing seats overall.

His comments appeared to echo that of the Labour frontbench in media interviews following the election results.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell claimed the people were sending a message to Labour to ‘sort it’ over Brexit, before claiming he had been misinterpreted.

The shadow trade secretary Barry Gardiner also told the BBC said that Labour were trying to deliver Brexit, and that his party were also trying to ‘bail out’ the Conservatives to deliver it.

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