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Jeremy Corbyn will not allow the Tories to take recess for their party conference

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Jeremy Corbyn has confirmed Labour will vote against any short recess to allow the Conservatives to hold their conference next week.

The government had been expected to table a motion paving the way for a short recess of parliament to allow the Conservatives to go to their party conference next week.

The Times’ Steven Swinford wrote: “Cabinet ministers are working on the assumption that it will pass and Tory conference will still go ahead.”

But Jeremy Corbyn confirmed on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme it would not support the vote.

“I don’t see why Boris Johnson and his team should be able I run away from accountability yet again,” he told the programme.

It follows the Supreme Court’s ruling that the suspension of parliament since September 9th was unlawful, leading to a number of days lost in debate and discussion in the House of Commons and House of Lords.

The conference is scheduled to take place in Manchester for Sunday until Wednesday.

The Tories said yesterday it still expected the conference to go ahead.

Party chair James Cleverly tweeted: “Lib Dems used their conference to say they would revoke article 50.

“Lab used theirs to decide not to decide their view on Brexit.

“We’ll use ours to set out our positive vision for the country outside the EU.

“Of course #CPC19 is going ahead – look forward to seeing you all in MCR.”

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