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Jess Phillips would not support another Scottish independence referendum as leader

Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips has stepped up with a bid to replace Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party. Picture: Jess Phillips - Credit: Jess Phillips

Labour leadership contender Jess Phillips has ruled out supporting calls for another Scottish independence referendum if she was elected.

Phillips has said that not having a clear position on Scottish independence and Brexit is a key reason why the party has lost elections, and said she was opposed to holding another vote.

The Birmingham Yardley MP told the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland programme: “I think that some of the reasons that we lost in Scotland and have been losing in Scotland for some time – this isn’t wholly down to the last general election – is that we have, since the referendum up there, not necessarily had a clear position on the two big constitutional questions of the day.

“I think that people, when they look at a political party, if they are not certain on what they are saying on any one thing, they lose trust with the public.”

She added: “I don’t think we should have another referendum on Scottish independence – 53% of the Scottish public in the general election did not vote for a party that was promoting independence.

“I think that we should be talking about things that are relevant to the lives of people in Scotland.

“I can’t see a circumstance where I think it would be better for Scotland to leave the UK.”

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