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‘Brexit is sucking the life out of our politics’ – Swinson

Jo Swinson. Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images - Credit: Getty Images

It is a comment that will perhaps resonate with Leavers and Remainers alike.

But Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson was certainly not being complimentary about the Brexit process when she said it was “sucking the life out of our politics”.

The debate over the past three years since the controversial 2016 referendum has left even the most ardent Brexiteers and Remainers weary of it all, as all attention has been diverted onto whether Britain will get a deal.

Conservatives have talked about the need to “get Brexit done” to ensure the country starts talking about other issues, however fanciful that may seem.

So even though her party has come out as strongly anti-Brexit in recent months, Swinson perhaps spoke for many when she made the comment on Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday.

She said leaving, with our without a deal, is “going to harm our economy and public services” and added: “Millions of people are in despair at the prospect of us leaving the European Union.”

Swinson also said that Britain should be working with its geographical neighbours to help resolve global issues, rather than fighting over the terms of a Brexit deal.

With many so opposed to Brexit, she said it is “entirely possible” the Liberal Democrats could win a majority in the House of Commons at the next general election, whenever that is – despite it seeming such a tall order with its small number of MPs.

Even though Labour has said it will back a People’s Vote, Swinson argued Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is not fit to be prime minister and that he had been “dragged kicking and screaming” to the second referendum position.

“He still wants Brexit to happen,” she argued.

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