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Jo Swinson’s seat of East Dunbartonshire ‘on a knife edge’

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson. Picture: Aaron Chown/PA Wire/PA Images - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The joint-leader of East Dunbartonshire council has said ‘it is on a knife edge’ whether Liberal Dem leader Jo Swinson will lose her seat to the SNP.

Andrew Polson, a Conservative councillor, said: “My gut reaction is that she might scrape through, but it’s on a knife edge.”

Polson revealed that – according to his figures – Jo Swinson is polling 44% in his Bearsden South ward, which he described “strong Tory” area.

“You would really expect her to be polling 50%,” he said.

“She’s holding up in Bearsden, but the SNP have increased their vote. They’re polling 23% there, when you’d be expecting around 15%, so it’s on a knife edge.”

He said his sense from Conservative supporters in his ward was that they were voting for the Tories rather than voting tactically to keep out the SNP.

“We were definitely getting on the doors in our ward: ‘We’re sticking with you this time – the last two elections we voted Jo but we’re sticking with you this time’,” he added.

Polson also suggested there was a significant number of remain-voting constituents who thought the Liberal Democrat’s policy of revoking Article 50 was a “threat to democracy”.

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