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‘A vote for Labour is a vote for Brexit,’ claim Liberal Democrats

Jo Swinson claims voting for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour is a vote for Brexit. Picture: Jack Taylor/Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

It might be seen as a piece of political rhetoric – but voting Labour could be a surefire way to guarantee Brexit, a Liberal Democrat leadership hopeful has said.

Since the referendum of 2016, Labour’s position on leaving the European Union has been unclear at best – with Jeremy Corbyn’s campaigning for Remain frequently described as lukewarm.

A nuanced position helped the party in the 2017 general election, with leaders saying they wanted to respect the vote of the people but leave with a strong deal that guarantee’s people’s rights and the best economic opportunities.

It is an approach that has been frequently called into question by pro-EU campaigners, who doubt Labour’s intentions – even though Corbyn has said the party could back a second referendum.

And now Liberal Democrat deputy leader Jo Swinson has attempted to use that lack of clarity and uncertainty to her political advantage, saying on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: ‘Every Liveral Democrat vote is a vote to stop Brexit.

‘If you vote for the Labour Party, a vote for Labour is a vote for Brexit.

‘If you won’t want that future and you want a future in the EU, you need to vote Liberal Democrat – that is the clearest way of saying you want to stop Brexit.’

However Labour’s election coordinator Andrew Gwynne said on the same programme that the upcoming European elections were a two-horse race between Labour and Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party – and that Labour was the only choice for progressive politics.

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