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John Oliver: ‘Brexiteers promised unicorns – May offered a horse with an ice cream on its head’

John Oliver: Brexiteers promised unicorns - May offered a horse with ice cream on its head. Photograph: HBO. - Credit: Archant

Another clip from John Oliver’s American satrical comedy show Last Week Tonight has gone viral for perfectly explaining to the world what Brexit is and where it all went wrong.

Oliver in recent weeks has covered Brexiteers’ resignations from cabinet, Boris Johnson’s attempts to avoid media scrutiny, and the comparisons between the UK leaving the EU and World War II.

In the latest clip going viral he turned to Theresa May’s Brexit deal and the resistance it is receiving in parliament, and in it he made the perfect comparison to help Americans understand her conundrum.

He told viewers: ‘Politicians who wanted to remain in the EU hated this deal for obvious reasons, and the politicians who wanted to leave also hate this deal because it’s not what they promised people.

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‘Which was that the EU would let Britain leave with all of the benefits of membership with no consequences.

‘So pro-Brexit politicians now are basically parents promising their daughters a unicorn, Theresa May is presenting them a horse with an ice cream cone glued to their head.

‘And they’re saying ‘no – that’s unacceptable – get our daughter a real unicorn or she’ll think we lied to her’. But you did lie to her, you f*king idiots, so you better put a bow on that ice cream horse or get ready for a very hard conversation.’

John Oliver’s last outburst went viral after he compared Brexit to Pompeii ‘if Pompeii voted for the volcano’.

He said: ‘The world wars were provoked, they were a response to outside events. Brexit is something Britain has done to itself. Britain is basically Pompeii if Pompeii voted for the volcano. ‘A bus said the volcano would be good, I believed the bus, and the mug backed it up, you trust mugs!”

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