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‘Don’t blame us – it’s not Brexit!’ says Brexiteer

Julia Hartley-Brewer on BBC Question Time. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Brexiteers have a new cunning plan to avoid blame for the consequences of Brexit – by claiming that what the government is proposing isn’t actually Brexit.

The revelation – that Britain leaving the European Union isn’t actually Brexit – comes from Brexiteer and broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer.

Hartley-Brewer was responding to the suggestion that everyone but the Brexiteers appeared are currently blamed for mess surrounding Theresa May’s plan.

MORE: Raab: ‘Staying in the EU is better than May’s Brexit plan’

Whether it’s the Labour Party, Remainers, the EU or Theresa May, outspoken Leavers are currently lining up to blame anyone but themselves.

She tweeted: ‘I’m not sure why Brexiteers should be blamed for a deal that isn’t actually Brexit’.

The ‘nothing to do with me, guv’ approach echoes the rhetoric of leading Leavers in recent days.

ERG chairman Jacob Rees-Mogg said it would not be the fault of the Leave side if Theresa May is ousted or if Britain crashes out of the European Union.

Nadine Dorries meanwhile claimed that she did not intend to oust Theresa May from her job – despite sending in a letter of no confidence in the prime minister.

On the BBC’s Question Time Hartley-Brewer joined Brexiteers in denouncing the prime minister’s plans, saying it would be worse than remaining in the EU.

MORE: Get The New European for just £1 an edition with this Black Friday offer

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