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Kate Hoey says ‘never say never’ to running as Brexit Party candidate

Kate Hoey MP speaking at a Leave Means Leave rally at Central Hall in London. Photograph: Kirsty O'Connor/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Labour MP Kate Hoey has said she would not rule out defecting to the Brexit Party when her time as a Labour MP ends.

The Vauxhall MP and Brexiteer has already announced plans not to stand again as as a Labour MP.

Speaking to LBC’s Andrew Pierce, Hoey said she would “never say never” to running as a Brexit Party candidate.

Pierce asked: “I know you’re standing down at the next election. What if somebody tried to persuade you to run again? Maybe under a different banner. Brexit party, for instance?”

Hoey responded that it would depend on whether the UK had left the EU by the time the next election took place.

She explained: “Well, we’ll see what happens over the next couple of weeks or so. I mean, I’m very keen to get us out.

“I certainly made a commitment some time ago that I wouldn’t stand again as a Labour MP and let’s see what happens.

“You know, you can never say never but at the same time, you know, I am getting on Andrew and I’ve had my 30 years in parliament and maybe it’s time for some new people.

“It’s just that sometimes you think, oh, my goodness, what is parliament?

“You know, the reputation we’ve got is so sad now because I genuinely feel people out there looking at us and you almost feel embarrassed to, sort of, say you’re an MP these days.”

Hoey abstained on Boris Johnson’s Brexit bill because she said “there were some bits in it about Northern Ireland that absolutely need to be clarified and there are other things that I that I don’t particularly like.”

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