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WATCH: Second referendum with remain option to be backed by Labour

Sir Keir Starmer speaking to BBC's Andrew Marr this morning. Picture: BBC - Credit: Archant

Sir Keir Starmer has promised that Labour will support an amendment next week that calls for a confirmatory public vote – with a remain option – on the Prime Minister’s failed Brexit deal.


The shadow Brexit secretary confirmed the news on the Andrew Marr show this morning, adding that if the second referendum opposed the deal then the country would remain part of the EU.

When asked by Marr if Labour MPs would be whipped into voting for a second referendum, Starmer insisted it would be party policy to back the move.

He said: “Whether it’s this deal or any future deal, it has got to go back so the public can say do you want to leave on these terms?

“If so, then we do. If not, we remain.”

The shadow cabinet member also suggested that Labour will enter negotiations with the Democratic Unionist Party, who have indicated they could support a second referendum.

Starmer said: “I say to any MP to any party but to the DUP in particular, if you want to work with us on this to improve the situation we are in, our door is open to that discussion.”

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