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PMQs: Keir Starmer offers to swap places with Boris Johnson

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer (R) offered to swap places with Boris Johnson during PMQs; - Credit: Archant

The leader of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer, has offered to swap places with Boris Johnson during Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs).

Sir Keir made the offer after an infuriated prime minister started asking him questions.

PMQs is a constitutionally-allocated time for MPs to question the prime minster on matters of policy or recent developments.

During Wednesday’s session, Labour accused the prime minister of failing to protect local council finances and stem the rise of children in poverty.

Johnson hit back, pressuring Sir Keir to back his return-to-school plan.

MORE: PMQs – Boris Johnson accused of ‘grumbling’ during question on child poverty rates

‘Mr Speaker, this is turning into opposition questions. If the prime minister wants to swap places, I’m very happy. We could do it now,’ Sir Keir remarked.

The chamber broke out in cheers and laughter before the mood eased and regular questioning resumed.

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