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‘Real chance’ of MPs quitting Labour after Brexit – Cable

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party. Picture: Ian Burt - Credit: Archant

A sizeable group of MPs could split from Labour due to their dissatisfaction over Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.


That is according to Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable, who claims that he has spoken to a number of Labour politicians about the possibility of working with any new breakaway group in the House of Commons.

Labour has been hopelessly divided over Brexit, with some of its pro-European MPs calling for a second referendum while there is a lack of clarity from the shadow cabinet over the party’s position.

Officially, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said he will ‘rule nothing out’ when quizzed about a second vote.

Asked about reports that six Labour MPs would form a new party being formed if Britain does leave the European Union without the second referendum many are calling for, Sir Vince said the group reportedly plotting a breakaway was in fact ‘much bigger’.

Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable. Picture: Denise Bradley – Credit: copyright: Archant 2013

He added: ‘The figure of six seems at the lower end of the figures quoted to me.’

At the moment, he said those politicians are ‘working with us to stop Brexit and try to get a People’s Vote’.

Speaking on Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday, he said: ‘When the Brexit issue is resolved, I think they’ll consider their position in the Labour Party.

‘There’s a real chance of a significant group breaking away and if that happens, we’ll work with them. Where there are common values, we’ll work together.’

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