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People’s Vote campaigners pile on pressure on to Labour ahead of manifesto meeting

Jeremy Corbyn. (Photograph: AFP/Getty Images) - Credit: AFP/Getty Images

People’s Vote campaigners are piling the pressure on the Labour Party ahead of a crunch meeting of the party’s National Executive Committee that will decide the manifesto for the European elections.

A group of 22 candidates, including the leader of Labour’s MEPs Richard Corbett and 11 others seeking to retain their seats in the European Parliament, have pledged to campaign for a public vote and to support remaining in the EU.

The pledge was organised by the Remain Labour campaign group, whose founder Andrew Lewin proudly told the Press Association: ‘The overwhelming majority of Labour members and voters want to Remain in the EU and I am delighted that so many of our candidates have pledged to campaign for that outcome in the European elections.

‘I hope and expect that more will join them in the coming days.

‘Remain voters across the country who want to defeat Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party can now vote with confidence and enthusiasm for Labour candidates who have pledged to fight for our future, as members of the European Union.’

Sitting MEPs who have signed the pledge are: Alex Mayer (East of England), Seb Dance (London), Jude Kirton-Darling (North East), Paul Brannen (North East), Theresa Griffin (North West), Julie Ward (North West), Wajid Khan (North West), David Martin (Scotland), John Howarth (South East), Clare Moody (South West), Sion Simon (West Midlands) and Mr Corbett (Yorkshire and the Humber).

A further 10 MEP candidates back the move: Anna Smith (East of England), James Beckles (London), Amy Fowler (South East), Rohit Dasgupta (South East), Duncan Enright (South East), Lord Adonis (South West), Jackie Jones (Wales), Matthew Dorrance (Wales), Mary Wimbury (Wales) and Mark Whitcutt (Wales).

Seperately the People’s Vote campaign have launched an online tool to allow voters to find out where candidates stand on the issue, again piling on the pressure on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The website allows members of the public to check which parties in their area support a new vote on Brexit and advises on how to register to vote for the European elections.

James McGrory, executive director of the People’s Vote campaign, said: ‘Voters need to know which parties are listening to the growing calls for Brexit to be put back to the people. And, whichever party you choose to support, you need to register to vote if you want your voice heard.

‘That’s especially important for young people, who overwhelmingly support a People’s Vote but who are less likely to be on the electoral register.

‘The People’s Vote campaign is cross-party, our supporters and activists come from all parties and none, and we’re very proud of that.

‘This new website will allow the public to see all the information about which parties have committed to giving the people the final say on Brexit and to decide for themselves who they want to vote for in the European elections.’

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