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Corbyn supporters claim victory as NEC endorses pro-Brexit manifesto

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Labour’s National Executive Committee have signed off the European election manifesto with Jeremy Corbyn supporters claiming victory as the party presses forward with a pro-Brexit plan.

The party has claimed that Labour is bringing together both Leave and Remain supporters with its manifesto for the European elections.

It says that, it will be ‘fully in line with Labour’s existing policy’, and will continue to push forward with its own alternative Brexit plan.

Failing that the party will push forward with proposals for a general election or People’s Vote on Theresa May’s deal.

Remain campaigners, including a number of existing MEPs and candidates, had hoped it would contain a clearer message on a People’s Vote.

A spokesperson for the party said: ‘Labour is the only party which represents both people who supported Leave and Remain. We are working to bring the country together after the chaos and crisis created by the Tories.

They added: ‘The NEC agreed the manifesto which will be fully in line with Labour’s existing policy; to support Labour’s alternative plan, and if we can’t get the necessary changes to the government’s deal, or a General Election, to back the option of a public vote.’

Jeremy Corbyn supporters took to Twitter to claim it was ‘a huge victory for Corbyn and an utter humiliation for Tom Watson.’

MORE: People’s Vote campaigners react to Labour’s ‘mealy-mouthed’ manifesto over Brexit

While some prominent Remain voices have tweeted their disappointment with the latest Labour ‘fudge’, People’s Vote supporters in the party took some comfort that a public vote would feature in publicity.

Wes Streeting MP tweeted: ‘Glad the NEC has made the right call and confirmed that a public vote will be in our manifesto for the European elections. We’re a Party for remain and it’s right that everyone – leavers and remainers – should be given the #finalsay on our Brexit future.’

Meanwhile, opposition parties in the European elections have already seized on Labour’s failure to truly fight against Brexit.

At a rally in London the Change UK party told supporters that Labour will never oppose Brexit, and that voters shouldn’t be fooled by the party’s ‘contortions’.

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