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James O’Brien’s epic monologue slams Iain Duncan Smith for ‘utter idiocy’ over Brexit comments

James O'Brien on LBC radio - Credit: LBC

A radio presenter has slammed Iain Duncan Smith (IDS) over claims he made about the Withdrawal Agreement during an epic on-air monologue.

James O’Brien berated the Brexiteer for suggesting the UK had been duped into signing the Withdrawal Agreement – a treaty that he not only voted for but denied other MPs more time to scrutinise.

The deal – which sets out the terms of Britain’s exit from the EU – passed through the House of Commons last year thanks for a Tory majority in the chamber following a snap general election.

Alongside a commitment to payout its divorce bill which totals £39 billion, the UK also agreed to pay outstanding loans it took out from the The European Investment Bank and the European Financial Stability Mechanism equalling £160 billion.

A very irate IDS railied against the treaty on Tuesday claiming that EU ‘want our money and they want to stop us being a competitor’ and that the Withdrawal Agreement ‘sadly helps them.’

‘Buried in the fine print, unnoticed by many, is the fact we remain hooked into the EU’s loan book,’ he claimed.

‘You can’t be half in the EU & half out, the problem is the WA. It costs too much & it denies us true national independence. This WA giving the EU future control over us has to go.’

O’Brien, who is a host on LBC radio, called the comments ‘utter idiocy’ and were an example of ‘Brexit bonkersness’.

Labelling IDS as ‘Iain Duncan Doughnuts’, O’Brien outlined the former Tory leader’s voting record on the deal, which he enthusiastically supported at the time of its passage through parliament.

‘This is a man who voted for the Withdrawal Agreement and voted to prevent parliament from scrutinising it and supported the prime minister who sacked, essentially, politicians in his own party who wanted to scrutinise it,’ he said.

He added, referring to IDS’s admission the deal passed without proper scrutiny: ‘Now this is the moment that I would imagine anybody with a scintilla of shame would hang their heads.’

‘How can he write those words knowing that he voted against parliamentary scrutiny of the bill!

‘Of all the Brexit bonkersness, this is one of the choicest morsels of utter idiocy and it is the inability to realise how stupid he is that it essentially explains Iain Duncan Smith’s entire life.’

Ridiculing IDS as ‘posh’ for choosing to emphasise his middle name, O’Brien suggested people with as ‘little intelligence’ as him should be ’embarrassed to seek office.’

He ended with an observation that British and American politics had become consumed by ‘idiocy’ over the last few years.

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