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Full training for doctors? ‘More EU madness’ claim Leavers

People marching to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NHS. Picture: John Stillwell/PA - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Leave.EU wants doctors without the required training in our surgeries and on our wards.

In a much-ridiculed tweet – which links to an article on the alt-right website Westmonster – the group suggest that doctors qualify sooner than five years without the expected level of training.

It claims that not allowing doctors to practice before becoming fully skilled is ‘just one of countless examples of EU ‘market building’ that do nothing of the sort, instead causing disruption and impairing UK policymakers’.

The tweet provoked hundreds of responses condemning the suggestion with one claiming ‘not even the bots are touching this one’.

One tweeter joked: ‘You should have said that from the beginning! Leave equals undertrained doctors. That would have won you the referendum by a landslide!’

Another quipped: ‘Is that all you’ve got? ‘Our doctors are currently trained to exacting standards but they won’t have to be in the future’?’

Tom Besford added: ‘Yeah! I want my doctors like I want my politicians: massively unqualified and out of their depth!’

Meanwhile a doctor disagreed with the claims that the EU enforces a five-year period of training on the UK, calling it ‘another flat out lie from Leave EU’.

‘I *am* a UK doctor who works with countless others who qualified after an accelerated 4 year medical degree’.

She continued: ‘Please delete this dishonest tweet.’

More EU madness according to the Leave.EU Twitter account. – Credit: Archant

The British Medical Association tweeted: ‘Patients want to be seen by a doctor who can provide them with the best possible care and shortening training and having doctors working with a lower level of expertise won’t achieve this. We’ve been very clear in the past in our opposition to moving registration’.

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