A massive march demanding a final say on Brexit is set to take place on October 19 at the same time as MPs meet for a historic parliamentary session.. Here’s your guide to the protest – so that you can let them know what you think.
The Let Us Be Heard march, organised by the People’s Vote campaign, culminates a summer and autumn of nationwide campaigning.
Taking place just 12 days before we are currently scheduled to leave the EU, the march aims to send a loud and clear message against Boris Johnson’s scorched-earth Brexit policy.
The march will tell MPs that they want the final say on any deal or no deal.
Protests have been demanding a final say all summer by turning out to get their voice heard in towns and cities across the UK.
Now the final march lands in London as more than 170 coaches from all over the country are booked to flood the city with pro-EU supporters, ending with a rally in Parliament Square.
MEETING POINT: Park Lane, outside the Hilton hotel
ROUTE: Park Lane, Hyde Park Corner, Piccadilly, St James’ St, Pall Mall, Cockspur St, Whitehall, Parliament Square. Route details may be subject to change.
MARCH TIME: 12-4pm
TRANSPORT: Coaches are being organised from pick-up points all over the country. Click here for information on your nearest ride – new coaches are being added daily.
DISABILITY ACCESS: Accessible start point at the ICA, Pall Mall. Accessible viewing area at the statue of Benjamin Disraeli in Parliament Square. There are four accessible toilets along or near the route and one changing places toilet. See here for full details of the march’s accessibility.
TOILETS: There is a total of 15 toilets along or near the route including the accessible and changing toilets above.
FIRST AID: A first aid point will be located at the corner of Parliament Square and Broad Sanctuary.
With 72% of LGBT+ people supporting a final say vote on Brexit, a special rally will be taking place at 10.30am before the march starts, with guest speakers and meeting point still to be announced. Click here for updates.
The New European team will be at the start of the march on Park Lane with all your pro-EU merchandise and marching kit – and, of course, copies of your paper.