Readers are still waiting for a real letter to step forward to transform the UK and to undo the mistakes of past political leaders.
Dear politicians: You have spoken so loudly I can’t hear you. You have created untrue narratives that cloud reality.
You have bent words and tried to convince us that they have meaning.
You told us there’s no money and then it appears. You told us that leaving will be easy and it is anything but.
You told us about all the people you will be recruiting when we’re already at near full employment. You told us austerity is good and now you want to borrow more.
You told us racism is bad but do nothing about it. You told us to unite but you are breaking up the Union.
You have created more racism, division, poverty and anger than I’ve known in my lifetime. You have made us the laughing stock of the world. You have almost broken your own people.
Your legacies will not be heroic. You will be remembered with shame and contempt.
I’m an optimist and know that sooner or later an honest person will come forward, a real leader. Someone who can take the middle ground, heal divisions and make us proud to live in this wonderful country.
Sadly this election doesn’t have such a person.
Tony Howarth, London SW3
Who could possibly have predicted that Boris Johnson would dodge a tough interview, Annunziata Rees-Mogg would turn out to be a Tory after all, a Lib Dem leader wouldn’t turn out to be as good as billed and Labour’s Lexiteer campaign chiefs would keep Keir Starmer, the party’s most effective spokesperson, under lock and key?
I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!
Kate Diamond
The greatest threat to the Tories is that voters ask the killer question “isn’t it time for a change?”
It is clear that Johnson’s current poll leads are because of a strategy played out in the autumn where he effectively campaigned against the Conservative Party, despite being its leader. Publicly deselecting established figures including Churchill’s grandson gave the public a spectacle of rebirth.
Can Team Johnson keep the thirst for change at bay, or is he already beginning to smell stale?
Michael Strange
– Send your election letters for inclusion in this weekend’s newspaper by emailing letters@theneweuropean.co.uk by 6am on Friday.