Reader DAVID HARRISON said the Remain movement needs ‘one boss, one plan and one message’.
Why is Remain so badly managed? Like millions of other utterly committed pro-Europeans I am ready to march or vote to stay in the EU. But look at it.
The European parliament vote saw a shower of Remain parties splitting the vote chaotically. The next big demo is in London on July 20, called March for Change. Who chose ‘Change’? The political party? Or what? Change what, for God’s sake?
Brexiteers have a massively crowd-pleasing leader, we have none. Give us a leader, give us a meaningful banner to march under, and do it quickly.
Don’t let’s fumble our way into leaving the peaceful prosperous place to which we belong. Farage may have made his life’s work the execution of a pointless, destructive mission, but he is devoting his life to it. Which powerful, statesmanlike figure is going to step up and make saving Britain from itself their lifetime goal? And when will all the worthy Remain groups rally behind one boss, one plan and one message?
Extinction Rebellion achieves so much with so few, and we are millions.
David Harrison
We have been seeking continued EU membership by campaigning only for a referendum. It’s like trying to persuade someone to go on holiday with you by going on about spending hours in the departure lounge in Gatwick.
We need two campaigns: a Remain campaign to spread the positive hopeful message about the EU and the UK’s membership; and a campaign for a referendum to obtain that. An aim and a means.
March for Change on July 20 should mark the start of the Remain campaign.
No doubt there were differences in the Remain movement in the run-up to the formation of March for Change and that colours some attitudes towards it. Whatever. It now exists. We must all back it and make it work. If any part of our movement fails it is only Brexiters who gain.
Michael Romberg
London W1T
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