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The people to suffer the most from Brexit will be the ones deceived

Mark Harrison captures the moment make-up artist Julia Wren sprays Jacob Rees-Mogg's hair. Picture: Mark Harrison *** Local Caption *** 03114893 - Credit: CAMERA PRESS/Mark Harrison

Steve Richards’ piece reminds me of the ‘stab in the back’ policy otherwise known as Dolchstosslegende, propagated by the right in Germany after 1918.

Right-wingers stated that the German army didn’t lose the war but were betrayed by civilians at the home front.

When a hard Brexit does go wrong, the liars Johnson, Gove, Fox, Leadsom and O’Mogg will state that they tried to deliver a ‘People’s Brexit’ but were betrayed by the civil servants, Bank of England, trade unions, judiciary, House of Lords, Remoaners, luvvies, ‘fake news’ merchants, the elite and the immigrants.

Their promises of ‘deals within minutes’, being the ‘easiest thing in the world’ to deliver, £350m for the NHS and a glorious golden age of prosperity will be conveniently buried. These liars will always do well living in their mansions, gated communities or offshore financed by inherited wealth. The very people they deceived with their misinformation and lies about Brexit will be the ones who suffer the most.

Alan Quinn


Re-reading Steve Richards’ characteristically fine piece prompts one or two odd observations.

First, the opposite of the liberal élite is the illiberal mob, which seems fitting. Second, if we are so opposed to élites, logic dictates we sack Gareth Southgate, replace him with someone picked randomly from a pub, blindfold the latter, stick them on a field full of Sunday league games, and select as the England football squad the first 23 park players she or he collides with.

It’s all rather curious. When I was young we were encouraged to improve ourselves, get educated, widen our horizons, which makes the current downward aspirationalism seem rather odd (unless those preaching it have a hidden agenda to do with those illiberal mobs which have, for instance, been so helpful to Trump).

Then, England is the only country where anti-intellectualism is built into the language, for we curse those who are ‘too clever by half’, or ‘too clever for their own good’.

Michael Rosenthal


• These were letters submitted to The New European. To have your letter featured in the newspaper email

MORE: STEVE RICHARDS – Beware the Brexit betrayal narrative

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