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Saying au revoir

Departures at Heathrow airport in London. (Getty/iStockphoto) - Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

CLARENCE MICHEL is leaving the country after 14 years of living as a French person in London.

My dear British brothers, it’s with deep sorrow that I’m writing this goodbye letter. In July, after nearly 14 years as a French person living and working in London and contributing to this amazing country, I left.

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The great divide in society opened by the result of the referendum was one of the main reason for this departure. I felt unwelcome.

In addition to allowing hate spreading across the country, you are now in the biggest denial exercise experienced since the 1930s. Very few people seem to understand that when unleashed, the forces of nationalism always lead to the same result: war.

Once the masters of pragmatism, the Brits today seem to be leaving in a dream that will turn to a nightmare. The main options were already on the table before the vote: the Norwegian or Swiss options. The UK decided to keep asking for something impossible. When the planes can’t fly to Europe anymore, when the City loses its privileged position, when the shortage of medication, food etc. becomes a reality, the reaction might be violent.

So my dear people from the UK, please do ask for a second referendum. It’s not too late and it’s the best option to keep your country strong in the world. If you want to make the EU better, do it from inside. Stay and be like you always used to be: challenging us in every possible way, being a leading state of what will the United States of Europe be in a century or less.

All the best from your French friend who left London, but still loves your country!

Clarence Michel

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