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Lib Dem leadership candidate proposes progressive alliance with Labour and Greens

Members of Parliament sit during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons. Photograph: House of Commons/PA. - Credit: PA

A Liberal Democrat leadership candidate has proposed a progressive alliance ‘from day one’ ready for the next general election.

Wera Hobhouse said that the Lib Dems needed to be having active conversations over a progressive alliance sooner rather than later – with Hobhouse vowing to work with the Greens and Labour from the start if she is elected.

The Lib Dems participated in a ‘Unite to Remain’ alliance at the last election to encourage tactical voting, but agreement could only be found between Plaid Cymru, the Greens and Lib Dems, leaving the SNP and Labour out of the pact.

The MP warned that when the ‘progressive vote’ is ‘split’ it results in Tory governments.

Both the Lib Dems and Labour attacked each other during the campaign, with Boris Johnson winning an 80-seat majority in the House of Commons.

Hobhouse announced her plans at the latest leadership event for the party hosted by Wirral Liberal Democrats.

She said: ‘Britain is a progressive country. But the progressive vote is always split, so we end up with right wing, uncaring governments.’

‘The Liberal Democrats need to work with other parties on the centre left to build a winning, progressive alliance at the next election.’

‘If elected leader of the Liberal Democrats, I would start working with Keir Starmer and the Green Party leadership from day one. We cannot wait to think and talk about it in 2024 when an election is imminent.’

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‘Trust must be restored after a decade in which the progressive parties aimed far too much fire at each other, to the sole benefit of the Conservatives.’

‘Those on the centre left of British politics, regardless of party, must look at the current national political landscape, and reflect. There is no point in sitting on the right side of history with no power to shape it.’

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