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Former deputy PM slams leave lies as he says Brexit will permanently ruin the UK

Lord Heseltine has lambasted Brexit yet again calling for a second referendum with the former depuity PM saying he cannot support people who are going to make the country poorer and less influential. Photos: ITV - Credit: Archant

Lord Heseltine has lambasted Brexit yet again calling for a second referendum with the former depuity PM saying he cannot support people who are going to make the country ‘poorer and less influential’.

This was, however, something he was criticised for after being a lifelong Conservative member.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, he said: “The real issue is what is at stake and it is the prosperity of this country, the world influence of this country, our relationships with our neighbours in Europe – this is transcendingly the over-arching issue at stake in this election.

“I cannot vote or support people who are going to make the country poorer and less influential – full stop, end of story.”

Lord Heseltine later said: “It’s complete nonsense to suggest that the thing (Brexit) can be done by Christmas.

“All you can do by Christmas is to pass legislation to enter into negotiations.”

“It’s preposterous. We are in for another year of uncertainty and a possibility of a no-deal exit at the end of it.

“That’s the reality of what we’re facing if Mr Johnson gets an overall majority.”

Lord Heseltine continued that he believes Brexit is “utterly disastrous for Britain’s position in the world, and for our economy, and for the investment which has frozen up in this country at the moment and for the inheritance for young people that we will pass on”, the PA reports.

Then, speaking on Good Morning Britain, the former Deputy Pm gave his most heavy criticising of Britain leaving the EU, claiming the country will be permanently economically damaged.

“The polls quite clearly reveal a majority remain. In the EU elections, the polls say things have changed,” he said, defending his position to vote Lib Dem in the elction.

“Brexit is bad for this country.

“You cannot shout me down, no matter how much you try,” he told Piers Morgan.

Earlier in the interview, Heseltine explained why he would be voting for the Liberal Democrat .

He said: “The overarching issue of our time is Britain’s position in the world. It’s about the strength of our economy and the society we want to be and what we want to hand over to our next generation.

“On those accounts I cannot go against what every prime minister since Winston Churchill has fought for.”

“Europe is making strides in ways that I admire. We have a coming together of parliaments living in peace – that is a great achievement.”

“Forgive me, [Leave voters] voted by the narrowest of majorities, having been told a pack of lies.

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