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Lords defeat Theresa May over EU citizens right to stay post-Brexit

A packed House of Lords as peers push for guarantees over the rights of EU nationals living in the UK after Brexit. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Peers vote by an overwhelming majority of 102 to guarantee rights of EU nationals in UK

Opposition parties, who backed the amendment, urged ministers to take the opportunity to rethink their position on EU nationals, amid concern among many Conservative MPs and peers.

The Government has always argued that while it wants to secure the future rights of EU citizens, it needs to be able to secure reciprocal rights for British citizens living in the EU at the same time.

For Labour, shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer hailed the vote as a ‘welcome and important step forward’.

He said: ‘There is a growing consensus that this must be resolved before Article 50 is triggered, and the Prime Minister is now increasingly isolated.

‘Labour will continue to support this simple but effective amendment when it returns to the Commons, and urge MPs on all sides of the House to do so.’

Tim Farron, the leader of the Liberal Democrats who also backed the amendment, said: ‘The Prime Minister must now listen and accept this amendment.

‘I can guarantee that Liberal Democrats will keep trooping through the lobbies time after time, if needed, to defend EU citizens’ rights.

‘People must not be used as pawns in Theresa May’s dangerous game. Her position leaves lives, families and futures hanging in the balance.’

There was however anger among some pro-Brexit MPs at the attempt by peers to frustrate the will of the elected House of Commons which passed the Bill – authorising the Government to trigger Article 50 starting the formal Brexit process – unamended.

Labour MP Gisela Stuart, who co-chaired the official Vote Leave campaign, said: ‘The British people voted in their millions to leave the EU, and their elected MPs passed the Article 50 Bill without amendment.

‘The House of Lords should do the same and not seek to frustrate the Brexit process.’

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