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Majority of Brits say Boris Johnson should follow London mayor and take pay cut

Three-quarters of the public think prime minister Boris Johnson and senior government ministers should have their pays slashed by 10%; PA - Credit: PA

An overwhelming majority of Britons think that Boris Johnson should take a pay-cut to show solidarity with workers worst affected by the coronavirus.

In polling commissioned by the MailOnline, 75% of respondents believe the prime minister should follow London mayor Sadiq Khan’s example and reduce his pay and the salary of senior ministers by 10%.

Khan voluntarily shaved 10% off his £152,000 salary – reducing it by £15,000 a year. The mayor also froze the incomes of 15 direct political appointments. The London leader follows New Zealand politicians who also slashed their pays.

On he flip side, only 13% said the move was excessive and that the prime minister should not follow suit. Around 11% said they had no opinion on the matter.

The UK faces its worst recession in living memory as the economy continues to falter due to the pandemic and ensuing lockdown. The government borrowed £55 billion in May – the single highest amount in almost six decades.

Downing Street has refused to say whether Johnson will take a salary reduction.

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