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Majority of Labour candidates for European elections are backers of People’s Vote

Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer at Labour Party conference. Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

The majority of Labour’s top MEP candidates – those who stand the best chance of being elected – are supporters of a People’s Vote.

Over three-quarters of candidates who are ranked highly enough to have won a seat at the last European elections in 2014 have said publicly that they back a People’s Vote.

Prominent backers of a People’s Vote standing as Labour candidates include Best for Britain boss Eloise Todd, Momentum’s national coordinator Laura Parker and TNE columnist Andrew Adonis. Many of those who aren’t listed in the top spots have also expressed support for a People’s Vote.

Richard Corbett MEP, Labour leader in the European Parliament, called for Labour’s manifesto to commit to a second referendum.

He said: ‘Labour Party members, the vast majority of whom back a public vote on any Brexit deal, will be pleased to see that so many of our candidates share that view.

‘A vote for Labour in the European Parliament elections will be a vote to deliver MEPs who are overwhelmingly supportive of giving the public the final say on Brexit.

‘Labour’s manifesto for the elections will no doubt reflect this position, not only because it is what our members, our voters and the public want, but also because a clear position on Brexit gives us the best chance of defeating the Conservatives and Nigel Farage’s party.

‘Ultimately, a public ballot is the only way to deliver a stable settlement that can command the confidence of the country and bring closure to the Brexit process.’

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