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Swedish minister: I can’t forgive the UK for Brexit

Margot Wallström. Photograph: Flickr/Socialdemokrater. - Credit: Archant

Sweden’s foreign minister and a former European Commission vice president has said that she cannot forgive the UK or its political leaders for causing Brexit.

Margot Wallström branded it a ‘historical mistake’ which has ‘created a problem for all of us’ – reflecting a change of tone from European leaders towards the UK.

She said: ‘I cannot forgive them for this.

‘I just think that they’ve made such a historical mistake and they’ve really created a problem for all of us.’

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‘Our political project, the European Union, will suffer from this immensely and that has to be fully understood,’ she continued.

And Wallström blamed the political leaders in the UK for sparking the vote in the first place.

‘You know what? This is because of bad political leadership since a very long time in the U.K. I saw with all my years from the European Commission … there was nobody who would defend their EU membership.

She added: ‘You should not promise referenda if you don’t prepare them properly.’

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