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Tory Brexiteer MP says ‘country will explode’ if we don’t leave EU on October 31st

Mark Francois presents the government's EU referendum leaflet to Ash Sarkar on the BBC's Politics Live. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Tory Brexiteer Mark Francois has claimed the ‘country will explode’ if the UK does not leave the European Union on October 31st.

Mark Francois and Ash Sarkar on BBC Politics Live. Photograph: BBC. – Credit: Archant

Speaking on BBC’s Politics Live alongside left-wing journalist Ash Sarkar, the Leave MP and deputy chairman of the ERG was asked about the newly-passed law preventing a no-deal Brexit on October 31st.

“As a principle you should comply with the law, but as I understand it people are looking extremely careful at the act to see what it does or does not mandate you to do.”

Presenter Jo Coburn pointed out that it does at least force the prime minister to request an extension to Article 50.

Francois simply answered: “I think if we don’t leave on 31st of October, this country will explode.”

A bemused Sarkar responded: “I don’t think the country will explode, I don’t think that’s the case” but the Brexiteer continued to try to suggest otherwise.

“Look at the results at the European elections!” he told her, pointing to the fact Farage was in the lead.

Sarkar said there would be “justified anger” but she added that it just meant Brexit would head in the direction of where it was always going to go, which is back “in the hands of the electorate”.

MORE: WILL SELF – The story behind my stand-off with Mark Francois

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“In a referendum or an election?” asked the Telegraph’s Christopher Hope. “Or possibly a combination of the two,” responded Sarkar.

Francois continued to chunter: “And now the Lib Dems have ruled out the possibility of the two!”

The Brexiteer also referenced the booklet that the government sent out before the EU referendum reading that it was “your decision” and the “government will implement what you decide”.

He told Sarkar: “This was the decision that the British people were allowed to take, they voted Leave and people like you will never, ever accept it!”

She pointed out that “Tthe electorate elected a hung parliament in 2017, which is a mandate for compromise”.

During the programme Francois was angered by Sam Gyimah’s defection to the Lib Dems, and the press conference called by Luxembourg’s prime minister.

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