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Brexit Party MEP complains that their chant has been ‘stolen’ by Remainers

Anti-Brexit protesters in Brussels. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney has called on Remainers to think of a more original chant for stopping Brexit, after he heard those in Brussels shouting something that sounded distinctly like the one Brexiteers use.

Martin Daubney’s tweet on Remain protesters. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

In a post to Twitter, Daubney said it was an “embarrassment” that anti-Brexit campaigners were “traipsing” around Brussels chanting something that the Brexit Party were already using.

Daubney was so incensed by the “direct lift” that he recorded them shouting it.

“What do we want? To stop Brexit! When do we want it? Now!” shout the crowds.

“They can’t even think of their own chants,” wrote the MEP, fuming that the Brexit Party had stolen their original message.

Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney. Photograph: Matthew Cooper/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Aside from the fact it is unlikely any Brexiteers were originally shouting they wanted to “stop Brexit”, the more pressing point was that it is the basis of a chant used at all protests.

“Next you’ll claim the national anthem was written by Farage,” responded one Twitter user.

“You haven’t been to many protests have you?” asked Hayley Morgan.

“If you think the Brexit Party invented that chant then I’ve got some bad news for you” wrote @teacherjon77.


“Oh look those Remainers are wearing shoes. We wear shoes too! Imposters!” replied Pete Foley, who pointed out it is “one of the oldest most widely used protest chants in the English speaking world.”

Christian Fenn tweeted: “Brexit Party Ltd involved in ‘English language copyright infringement’ shocker.”

Abbie Edwards said: “Regardless of the subject matter, that’s not an original chant but hey if that’s what you want to swipe Remainers on”.

“A ‘direct lift’ you directly lifted from anytime in the past 50 years. Are you guys all clowns?” wrote Paul Hand-Griffiths.

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