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May gets unexpected response from Commons on delivering Brexit

Prime Minister Theresa May in the House of Commons. Photograph: PARBUL/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Theresa May got a response she did not expect when she asked the Commons if it still wanted to deliver Brexit.

As she delivered her speech announcing the delay of the meaningful vote on her Brexit deal, she explained that by voting down her plan would risk no Brexit at all.

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She said: ‘If you take a step back, it is clear this House faces a much more fundamental question.’

She then posed a question as she asked the House of Commons how serious it was about delivering Brexit.

Not forseeing MPs giving an answer, she asked: ‘Does this House want to deliver Brexit?’

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It prompted SNP and some Labour MPs sitting on the opposition benches to respond in unison with the word: ‘No!’

Wincing the prime minister gave a wry smile as her party behind her remained silent and did not answer.

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‘There you have it!’ shouted chancellor Hammond, as May noted it was a ‘clear message from the SNP’.

Returning to script, she continued: ‘If the answer is yes, and I believe that is the answer of the majority of this House, then we all have to ask ourselves whether we are prepared to make a compromise.

‘Because there will be no enduring and successful Brexit without some compromise on both sides of the debate.’

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