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The EU says it’s not possible to ‘get Brexit done’ by the end of 2020

Prime Minister Boris Johnson addresses his supporters prior to boarding his general election campaign bus in Manchester - Credit: Getty Images

EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has dismissed Boris Johnson’s claims he can get Brexit done by the end of next year.

The Sunday Mirror reports that minutes documenting what was said between Barnier and MEPs shows the official has rubbished the pledge.

The negotiator told MEPs on the EU Employment and Social Affairs Committee: “The EU/UK future relationship cannot be settled in 11 months.”

He said that there would need to be some elements of Brexit that would need to be prioritised, but there are many other issues that will need more time.

A Brexit Party MEP on the committee said they were more inclined to believe Barnier over Johnson.

Matthew Patten told the newspaper: “Truth seems the rarest of commodities in this election.

“It’s ironic we can put more trust in the EU’s comments.”

It suggests the country could once more head towards a no-deal Brexit at the end of next year if the transition period is not extended.

The documents reveal the EU is preparing for a Boris Johnson win at the election – but is also planning for a hung parliament too.

It follows claims from Boris Johnson that nobody would be talking about Brexit in 2020 if he wins a majority and passes the withdrawal agreement by the end of January.

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