In summer 2016 my wife sent to our MP a detailed response about the conduct of the referendum, outlining all our now too-familiar concerns.
In summer 2016 my wife sent to our MP a detailed response about the conduct of the referendum, outlining all our now too-familiar concerns. She received an acknowledgement that her letter had been received. She treasures that postcard from the Houses of Parliament. It has now celebrated its second birthday.
We still await a reply from MP Carolyn Harris (shadow minister for women and equalities and deputy leader of the Labour Party in Wales). All of my wife’s numerous other messages also remain unacknowledged.
Clearly the issues of a flawed referendum and economic ruin are a bit too tricky for a party functionary who, apparently, dislikes paperwork. So a pair of Swansea Remainers are thus ignored and unrepresented.
The issues raised were simple. Was the referendum conducted properly? And if it wasn’t, why is it allowed to stand? Was it actually a referendum? Or was it a right-wing coup?
We are unable to tell you what Ms Harris thinks about any of this.
She and her party have lost my vote, and I suspect that of my wife too. I was born in the People’s Republic of South Yorkshire, but I can no longer support a Labour party which is so incompetent that they refuse to confront this remarkable gang of Tory liars and cheats.
I will find another home for my vote. I regret it bitterly, but I will never vote for the Labour Party again.
Geoff Brookes
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