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Corbyn urged to back a People’s Vote following defeat of no confidence motion

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

MPs have rejected Labour’s motion of no confidence in Theresa May’s government by 325 votes to 306 – a majority of 19.

People’s Vote and anti-Brexit campaigners have now urged Jeremy Corbyn to back a second referendum.

But the Labour leader continues to drag his feet, with a spokesman claiming that a fresh referendum is not the only option on the table.

Before the no confidence vote a Labour spokesman said: ‘The first is the alternative plan that we have laid out and that we believe can command a majority across the commons, even without a general election.’

But Best for Britain boss Eloise Todd said: ‘The Labour Party has tested the confidence of the house in the government. People in the country are clear about what they want – Labour members and voters want the leadership to back a public vote, and Labour should shift, unify the party around that position, secure a vote to hold a referendum and then win it.

‘Labour Brexit voters, especially in the North, Wales and the Midlands, have watched what has happened since 2016 with despair and there are now over 1.4million more Labour voters that have switched from backing Leave to wanting to stay in the EU and fix Britain. There are no forms of Brexit that meet Labour’s six tests, so it’s time to get the party united around a public vote.’

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Prime Minister Theresa May speaks during the debate for the government no confidence motion in the House of Commons. Photograph: PA Wire. – Credit: PA

Following the defeat of the motion Theresa May said she would begin cross-party talks with leaders of the opposition parties.

May told MPs that the government would continue to work to increase ‘prosperity, guarantee our security and to strengthen our union’ after successful defending a no confidence motion.

She said: ‘I do not take this responsibility lightly and my government will continue its work to increase our prosperity, guarantee our security and to strengthen our union.

‘We will also continue to work to deliver on the solemn promise we made to the people of this country to deliver on the result of the referendum and leave the European Union.’

Following the defeat of Theresa May’s Brexit plan 71 Labour MPs called for the Labour leader to support a People’s Vote – with warnings that more could come forward as it becomes a clearer a general election will not be held.

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