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MPs vote for Brexit delay bill at the third reading

Boris Johnson (centre) in the House of Commons with Michael Gove and Jacob Rees-Mogg. Photograph: Jessica Taylor/UK Parliament/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

MPs have voted again to delay Brexit – at the third reading of the bill in the House of Commons.

This time MPs voted by 327 votes to 299.

The bill will now go to the House of Lords with the rebel alliance hoping that it can reach royal assent before the prime minister prorogues parliament.

Peers are braced for a rare overnight sitting with more than 85 amendments being submitted by mainly Brexit-backing Tory peers.

It means proceedings in the upper chamber are likely to continue into the early hours and beyond should they all be debated and voted upon.

Labour has accused the Tory peers of trying to talk out or filibuster to block the bill.

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