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Mrs Brown’s Boys creator O’Carroll says Brexit could impact the show

Brendan O'Caroll wins an award for Mrs Brown's Boys. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

It’s one of the most-watched Christmas programmes of the year, but there are fears that Brexit could hamper the programme’s success.

Brendan O’Caroll wins an award for Mrs Brown’s Boys. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. – Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

While the nation may be split on whether or not Mrs Brown’s Boys is the best sitcom of the 21st century – as it was voted in 2016 – it is difficult to deny its success in the UK.

Now the comedian that plays Agnes Brown has admitted Brexit could be bad news for Mrs Brown and has said he is going ‘crazy’ with worry.

Speaking to the Irish Sun, Brendan O’Carroll said he was concerned about potential new tariff arrangements for merchandise, but particularly the uncertainity facing his business.

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He said: ‘We’re all in the same boat. How can you prepare for something if we don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s driving everyone crazy. Even at this late stage, we don’t know how Brexit is going to affect us.’

The comedian is a supporter of a second referendum, and said that he has little sympathy for British prime minister Theresa May.

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‘It’s very hard to have sympathy for Theresa because she took on the role herself, she wanted to be leader of the ­Conservative Party.’

‘Any normal human being would have looked at the situation and said, ‘This is a poisoned chalice, who’d want this?’ It’s like being Donald Trump’s head of staff.

‘As regards the situation ­Theresa is in now, if she can’t get her own party to unite around her, how the hell is she going to get the rest of the ­country to support her?

‘She might as well be refereeing an England vs Scotland match. You are never going to get the decisions right.’

Asked whether or not there should be a People’s Vote, he said: ‘Why the f*** not?

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‘Why are the politicians so afraid to look at this? Who says having a second referendum is not respecting the decision of the electorate? People are entitled to change their minds.

‘They do it all the time in normal elections. We elect ­political parties, they don’t fulfil their promises and we vote them out. Simple.

‘I really don’t think that the public or the political parties who voted for Brexit really understood what was going to happen. The UK spent 45 years in Europe knocking it into shape, yet now they have decided to leave, it makes no sense.’

A YouGov survey found that fans of Mrs Brown’s Boys backed leaving the EU by 62% to 38%, while Remain holds a 53% to 47% lead among those who dislike the show.

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