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Nadine’s at it again – Brexiteer thinks there will be a transition period with ‘no deal’

Nadine Dorries appears on ITV's Peston programme. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

Nadine Dorries has claimed that no deal Brexit will not result in a ‘car crash’ because she thinks there will be a transition period to protect us.

Appearing on ITV’s Peston programme the Mid-Bedfordshire MP asked if she could say something positive about leaving the EU without a deal.

‘Can I say something positive about this? The conversation has been much about no deal, crashing out, it’s going to be armageddon, it’s going to be dreadful.

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‘Actually, it isn’t going to be no deal. It’s going to be living under a framework of WTO rules. There won’t be customs checks in the transition period on the border because under WTO rules.’

Peston, however, insisted: ‘There will be! The EU just said today there will be checks from March 29th! So they’re lying?’

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Dorries continued: ‘Not in the transition period… not under the transition period!’

But an exasperated Peston continued to argue. ‘There will be no transition period! There… is… no… transition period!’

Fellow guest Chuka Umunna interjected: ‘If we leave without a deal there will be no transition period.’

Dorries argued though this was different to no deal – it was going to be a ‘managed no deal’.

‘We would leave under a managed no deal. Not a no deal, a managed deal.

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‘That is why the prime minister has asked all the departments to get together with their contingency plans. That’s why the money has been allocated.

‘It will be managed and it will happen. That’s trade deals the rest of the world trades on, not just 27 countries. It won’t be a car crash.’

The MP last month spoke out against Theresa May’s Brexit plan… because it would mean the UK will be left without influence in Europe.

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