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Government to launch ‘get ready’ for Brexit campaign costing £100m

Boris Johnson speaks at a rally with Priti Patel and Michael Gove (right) in front of the Vote Leave bus. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

The government has rejected a plan to rehash an advertising campaign using the slogan ‘take back control’ – instead agreeing to a ‘get ready’ for Brexit campaign.

According to The Times, Michael Gove has signed off the campaign which will be launched next week.

It will kick off with a billboard campaign and a new government website, to alert the public and businesses to the Brexit deadline date of October 31st, when the UK could leave the EU with or without a deal.

It will be followed by radio and television adverts, and even government officials using t-shirts and mugs with the message on.

Last month it was reported that this will be the biggest advertising campaign since the Second World War.

A source told The Sun: “This is all part of sensible planning for the unlikely event of the EU refusing to offer a new deal.

“He [Boris Johnson] believes there is nothing to fear from leaving without a deal – but it would be nothing short of folly if we failed to keep the public fully informed.”

A Treasury source added: “I can’t imagine there has been a bigger ‘comms’ campaign than this since the War. It is a pretty huge thing for a ‘comms’ campaign.”

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