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New poll finds 61% would back Remain in a second referendum

European flags placed by anti-Brexit campaigners outside the Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

New polling has found that 61% of those who would vote in a second referendum would vote to Remain in the European Union.

The YouGov survey for KIS Finance found that between the choice of Theresa May’s Brexit deal or remaining in the EU, 61% of those who confirmed they would vote stated they wanted the UK to stay in the European Union.

When a no-deal scenario is added into the mix, 53% of people would vote to Remain, while 34% would vote for no-deal, and just 12% would vote for Theresa May’s deal.

The research also uncovered that 1 in 10 have put off important financial decisions, such as buying their first home, moving house, spending money on home improvements, investing and making major purchases such as a car, until the future of Brexit is clear.

In London this figures rises to 1 in 5 who have delayed key financial decisions as a direct result of Brexit.

In Wales, 1 in 6 have been affected and in Scotland 1 in 7 have postponed major financial decisions.

The polling was carried out days ahead of the local elections, 23rd – 24th April 2019. Further information can be found on the KIS FInance website.

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