Labour’s European election leaflets have been revealed – but campaigners are still refusing to deliver them because the reference to a People’s Vote is still too small.
The original European election leaflets omitted to reference a People’s Vote altogether, focusing on respecting the result of the EU referendum.
However, following calls for a redesign, pro-Remain campaigners in the Labour Party have still been left disappointed.
According to the HuffPost, the A5 leaflets urge voters to back Labour but has just a small reference to how the party ‘backs the option of a public vote’ to avoid a ‘bad deal’.
It is in line with what was agreed at the National Executive Committee meeting, but anti-Brexit campaigners wanted Labour to go further.
The website reports that the leaflets also fails to discuss European issues, instead referencing national matters like the NHS, education and classrooms.
It has led to some members in London refusing to deliver the leaflets.
The party’s latest ‘fudge’ sparked anger within Labour with a number of members taking to social media to cut up their membership cards.