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Boris Johnson may have to boot Churchill’s grandson out of parliamentary Tory party

Sir Nicholas Soames at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Photoraph: Tom Eden/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Boris Johnson may have to boot out the grandson of his hero Winston Churchill from the parliamentary Conservative party after the MP indicated he would vote against the government.

Earlier in the day Sir Nicholas Soames had appealed for assurances from Boris Johnson that a Brexit deal would be done, but the prime minister had been unable to convince Soames.

The politician has subsequently the MP has since told journalists: “I will be voting against the government tonight with a very heavy heart. I don’t doubt Boris wants to get a deal, but I do not believe he has the means to will the end. His demands are unreal and I cannot condone No Deal.”

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MORE: ‘We’re heading for a national government without Corbyn or Johnson’, says grandson of ChurchillIn a response to a tweet from fellow Tory MP Rory Stewart, who said he would be voting against the government, Soames replied: “#Metoo.”Churchill himself faced the prospect of deselection for putting party before country both in 1904 and 1948, firstly for opposing the Conservative Party over tariffs, and then for opposing Neville Chamberlain’s Munich Pact which appeased Hitler.Soames has been a Conservative MP since first being elected as the MP for Crawley in 1983. In the 1997 election, he became the Tory MP for Mid Sussex.

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