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‘Just bloody stay!’ – Brexiteer Nick Ferrari says he’s done with Brexit

Nick Ferrari on LBC Radio (Photograph: LBC) - Credit: Archant

Brexiteer radio presenter and broadcaster Nick Ferrari says he is now ‘through’ with Brexit.

Speaking on LBC radio he started off his mini-Brexit meltdown by declaring: ‘I am there now I think…’

He said he felt sorry for the rest of the 17.4 million voters who supported Brexit, but said he was now ‘through’ with it.

He continued: ‘I’m not saying that we should remain – I really don’t think we should – but enough already.’

‘Honestly, there’s so much else going on in this country that we’re not addressing, not least the people who are being stabbed and shot, and the schools that are under-performing, and the hospitals that aren’t working, and the NHS that’s creaking at the seams…

‘I give up! Enough! Right. I’ve reached the bloody point. I cannot go on and on about Emmanual Macron any longer.’

‘Just bloody stay and we’ll move on to other things.’

Lib Dem MP Layla Moran tweeted in reply: ‘He’s right. There is so much we aren’t addressing. Just in schools alone! Let alone NHS, Climate Change, Business. It’s time to #MakeBrexitStop’

The on-air rant follows an honest intervention in the debate from Brexiteer commentator Peter Oborne who believed it was now time for a ‘rethink’ on the UK’s departure from the EU.

He cited the ‘deceit’ from the Leave campaign as a strong reason why it should not go ahead.

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