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Nicola Sturgeon’s 50th birthday card mocks Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson is left hanging in mid-air after he got stuck on a zipwire at an Olympic event at Victoria Park in the capital. Photograph: Ben Kendall/PA. - Credit: PA

A picture of the birthday cards sent to Scotland’s first minister captured social media’s attention after one appeared to mock Boris Johnson.

Nicola Sturgeon celebrated her 50th birthday over the weekend with one card getting plenty of attention on Twitter after her husband SNP chief executive Peter Murrell posted a snapshot on the website.

Sitting on her window sill, one card includes the caption: ‘I’ve hired a first class clown for your birthday’.

It includes a cartoon character resembling the prime minister when he got stuck on a zip-wire waving union flags.

Twitter users zoomed in on the photograph showing the card in pride of place.

‘Living for Nicola Sturgeon giving that Boris Johnson b-day card absolutely pride of place!!’ tweeted Claire Chambers.

”I’ve hired a first class clown for your birthday’ alongside a caricature of Boris Johnson is the perfect birthday card for Nicola Sturgeon,’ posted Joe Jackson.

‘Is that First Class Clown card Boris? Oh that’s indeed *first class*,’ wrote another.

Tory supporters, however, were less than impressed.

A birthday card sent to Nicola Sturgeon mocks Boris Johnson. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

‘Now had this been a photo posted by Carrie Symonds on Boris Johnson’s birthday, there would have been outrage from the nats,’ said Meghan Gallagher.

‘Proof if it were needed that Sturgeon has no respect for the prime minister,’ tweeted another.

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