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Farage: There’s no way for my party to oust me

Nigel Farage has admitted there is no way for supporters of the Brexit Party to depose of him as leader.

As the Brexit Party is a company, with Nigel Farage listed as director and no actual party members, it meant those supporting it have limited means to get rid of him.

Channel 4 News journalist Gary Gibbon enquired what it would take to oust the leader.

He asked: “Is it one of those parties where the leader can’t be deposed?”

A dismissive Farage admitted: “At the moment, no, but it’s a start-up.”

“There are other scarier words for parties like that,” responded Gibbon.

The Brexit Party leader continued: “Well, do you know what, having had the misery of 26 years in a party run by its voluntary wing, and seen its inability to take the right decisions; the Brexit Party is set up and is being run like a company.”

“However, it’s going to be a lot more democratic than all the other parties because these kind of policy questions that you’re asking me right now, we’re going to consult directly with our supporter base.”

“And what Nigel says won’t be what goes?” asked the journalist.

“I’ve got to listen to them. Without them, we can’t exist,” replied Farage.

The lack of accountability in the party flies in the face of the words of the leader, who regularly throws the words “democracy” around in interviews.

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