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‘You couldn’t even agree on the main promise!’ – Farage and Leavers ridiculed by TV host

Susanna Reid and Nigel Farage argue on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage and his fellow Leave campaigners were ridiculed during an interview with television host Susanna Reid.

Farage used the Good Morning Britain appearance to call for politicians to acknowledge the ‘will of the people’ saying that everyone knew what was voted on in the EU referendum.

He said: ‘We didn’t vote for this once, we voted for it twice because in a general election in the following year the same promises got made. Twice we have been lied to in the last few years.

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‘The will of the people is being betrayed, by an out of touch elite backed up by their big business friends. This is the most shaming thing that has ever happened in the history of British democracy.’

But television host Susanna Reid was quick to interject to point out that Nigel Farage used the very same programme to backtrack on the Leave campaign’s promise to give £350 million to the NHS just hours after the result had been declared.

She suggested it was therefore impossible to know what was the ‘will of the people’ as Farage claimed.

In a stinging attack of the Brexiteer she said: ‘I remember you coming into this programme the morning after the referendum result and I said to you ‘are we going to get £350 million a week for the NHS’ and you said ‘no they should not have said that’.

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‘That’s you and the other Leave campaigners – they couldn’t even agree on that and that’s one of the main promises of the referendum campaign!’

Farage was joined on the ITV breakfast show by Alastair Campbell and Dominic Grieve.

There was consensus across the panel that Theresa May’s Brexit plan was ‘dead’ in its current form and unable to make it through Parliament.

Campbell said: ‘The country is in a mess, the country is becoming a global laughing stock.’

He added: ‘I think Theresa May is incredibly strong willed until she changes her mind.’

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