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Nigel Farage angered as presenter tells him Remain parties beat pro-Brexit parties

Nigel Farage appears on Good Morning Britain. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage was left angered after a presenter told him that it was a ‘fact’ that pro-Remain parties had beaten those clear in support of Brexit.

The Brexit Party leader shouted “absolute tosh” as Good Morning Britain presenter Charlotte Hawkins pointed out the electorate had not decisively supported Brexit.

She said: “If you add up all the pro-Remain parties, they did win a bigger percentage, 35.8% versus the Brexit Party at 31.6%.

“So actually pro-Remain parties altogether did win a bigger percentage.”

Farage shook his head in anger as Hawkins told him “that’s a fact!”

“Well it’s not a fact,” snapped Farage.

“Add up the Brexit Party vote, add up the UKIP vote, add to that the Conservative Party vote, who are still a Brexit party, and you will find Leave beat Remain.”

He also tried to argue that the Greens, Lib Dems and Change UK said without the irony Change UK, the Greens, and Lib Dems had “massively more publicity than the Brexit Party”.

Co-host Richard Madeley attempted to defuse an angry Farage by telling him: “People will have their opinions but you can’t deny you have single-handedly transformed the face of British politics.”

People’s Vote campaigners highlighted how the five parties who they said campaigned explicitly against Brexit and for a People’s Vote – the Liberal Democrats, the Greens, the SNP, Change UK and Plaid Cymru – won 40% of the vote, compared to 35% for the Brexit Party and UKIP.

Adding in Labour, which gave qualified support for another referendum, takes the anti-Brexit side to 56% and counting Conservative votes on the pro-Brexit side gives 44%.

Liberal Democrat MP and People’s Vote supporter Jo Swinson said: “There is no majority in either the country or in parliament for a crashing out of the EU with a no-deal Brexit. Two thirds of people who voted in this election rejected Nigel Farage’s terrifying vision for our country. There was no mandate for this form of Brexit in the 2016 referendum – when it was scarcely discussed – and it is fanciful to pretend such a mandate exists now.

“The Labour Party has rightly paid a heavy price for failing to listen to its own candidates, members and supporters who want it to unequivocally back a People’s Vote. Labour must get off the Brexit fence.

“And the Conservative Party would be wise not to draw the wrong conclusions from its humiliation last night. If a new leader tries to out-Farage the Brexit Party by imposing a no deal Brexit on the country without letting either MPs or the British people have their say, it will be a constitutional and democratic outrage which voters will not quickly forget.”

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