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Question Time audience member pulls apart Nigel Farage’s ‘man of the people’ persona

Nigel Farage's claims he is a man of the people is pulled apart by this young audience member on BBC Question Time. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage was left complaining some Question Time audience members had ‘an agenda’ after they pulled apart his ‘man of the people’ persona.

Farage’s 34th appearance on the programme, part of a general election series of shows, did not go as smooth as he hoped when a young lady in the audience demolished his claims about taking on the establishment and the elite.

She told him: “It really bothers me that you label yourself as unique and different from other politicians, because actually you are a man of wealth and privilege.

“You’re a privately educated ex-banker, and in 2009, you boasted that you had received £2 million in taxpayers money to support you in your role as MEP.

“And in 2014 you wrongly didn’t declare over £200,000 worth of gifts you received in your role.

“Now with a background like that, how on earth can you understand what it’s like for the 14 million in this country currently living in poverty?”

As the Brexit Party leader insisted her points were “ludicrous” the young lady continued to say: “That poverty is caused by austerity, it’s not about immigration or the EU. It’s about austerity, and the people are angry the government has made a decision to cut the funding to public services.

MORE: Nigel Farage says he only ran to be MP once as other six times ‘weren’t serious'”That’s what’s made them really angry, and what you’ve done really, really well is you’ve swooped in and exploited that anger.”As the audience clapped Farage sighed. He he told the audience member her and her friend “have come in with an agenda”.He said he had taken fewer expenses “than any other MEP” and that a lot of his costs go on staff. He said his salary as an MEP was “nowhere near what a GPs is working in Peterborough”.To sounds of the audience groaning, he explained: “No – an MEP’s salary is not as high as a GP’s salary, so let’s give this some sense of perspective.” Twitter users praised her question and comments.”Epic question rips apart the Farage charade,” said Dave McCladd. Christine Spriggs tweeted: “This wonderful woman has totally exposed this terrible far-right politician for exactly what he is… he just couldn’t handle her forensic take down of his rotten political record!””She’s got him bang to rights,” wrote Russell Leahy.

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