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Nigel Farage falsely claims that no-deal Brexit is ‘most popular option in this country’

Nigel Farage on his LBC radio programme. Photograph: LBC/Global. - Credit: Archant

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has claimed that a no-deal Brexit is ‘now the most popular option’ with the public, despite polling showing the opposite.

Unchallenged by presenters on Good Morning Britain, Farage claimed that the Conservative Party was “part of the Remain establishment” and that “leaving without a deal, a clean-break Brexit, is now the most popular option.”

It was a claim that Farage went on to tell adoring fans at a Brexit Party rally, and was quoted on the BBC Politics Twitter account, as he again reiterated that “a clean-break Brexit is now the most popular option in this country”.

Polling has consistently showed that no-deal Brexit is not the preferred option.

MORE: After the Telegraph’s polling fiasco can the public trust the pollsters?

The latest Survation poll found that 43% would prefer to Remain in the European Union, with leaving with a deal at 29% and leaving without a deal at 19%.

A YouGov poll for the Sunday Times found that 48% believed the decision to leave was the wrong one compared to 41% in support.

The same polling found 35% of the public backed a fresh referendum to stay in the European Union, compared to 26% who supported leaving without a deal.

It follows criticism for a “misleading” poll from the Telegraph which also claimed there was a majority of support in the country for a no-deal Brexit.

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